Friday, June 25, 2010


How funny, it starts out as a harmless get together and turns into a full blown house fixer-upper...

...I always wonder why we don't host more gatherings. And now I know why. It is unbelievably exhausting!

Let's start with the food. You contemplate for hours on what to serve. Maybe you don't want the usual on-the-grill food, like burgers and hot dogs. Maybe you want to Martha Stewart it up with a gourmet entree and side dishes that will have everyone asking "how did you make that?" Then there's the task of delegation. Oh the drama! As every guest asks "what can I bring" you must find and evenly distribute the items that they can bring to feel included in your gathering.

Then there's the question: to serve or not to serve alcohol? Let's do the math... 9 adults + 4 children = do we want so and so to rant and rave about their wild college days under the influence or would we rather not offend anyone tonight?

Or rather what do we do for entertainment? Do we become brave and arm everyone with water guns and water balloons? It will be over 90 degrees and perhaps would be a welcome way to entertain and amuse. Or maybe we shouldn't because guests could be wearing high-dollar apparel. At a cook out?

Then we come to the cleaning. Oh, the dreaded cleaning!! Spot clean the carpet. Clean the kitchen. Clean the bathrooms. Clean, clean, clean. Then the yard work. You don't want people to have to walk around dog poop and weeds. I couldn't imagine a more horrifying fate.

Yes, this all started as a harmless gathering, to do as one must do in the summer. But now I am spending my last hours up until the moment people arrive "preparing" for the event *sigh*

Maybe I'll suggest someone else host next time...I surely won't complain when I am asked to bring a side dish.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Here we go...

...with the weight loss/dieting day 1. I have been one of those lucky mom's that still has the dreaded "baby weight" that will continue to be a constant struggle to lose/keep off.

...with the beginning of a busy week. Dentist cleanings, swimming lessons, baseball games and practices are going to fill up every spare moment of our lives this week.

...with my desire to get the painting done in our house yet the lack of time and sore muscles keep me on the sidelines.

Here we go.

So today I start with my low (to no) sugar and reduced carb diet. Or in other words "deprivation diet." Although I do refuse to call it a diet. More like a change in eating habits. A few months ago, while in the middle of my nursing school semester, I did this and lost inches off of my waist and hips. It was a miracle! Especially since I did not do any workouts at all. Now I'm waking up at the crack of dawn (otherwise known as 5am) to workout 5 days a week. Most people would cringe and ask me "why?" but I actually have come to enjoy it. I like getting that time to myself. It is refreshing to get home, shower without any interruptions, then eat breakfast and have coffee in peace. Do a little reading/quiet time all before the kids wake up. I must say, I am becoming addicted to it. Good news is, I'm getting exercise!

I'm also starting to read more (non-school related) books. I like to feel somewhat normal. Right now I'm reading "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil." It is an odd book. But intriguing. When we visited Savannah, GA I just fell in love and wanted to read a book about it. This book definitely fits that bill, but provides a bit of quirky and surprising details that keep you interested. A good summer read.

Well, now off to swim lessons and laundry...