Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hello Blogging World!

Let me introduce name for privacy purposes is Candid Mommy. I have always wanted to start a blog about our secret world of Mommyhood. We have such a complicated job, raising the children we so affectionately call "the future generation."

Though this job is tough, and we all pretend to have it "together" for sanity purposes, let's not fool ourselves into thinking this is true. This is our way to air out the laundry, so to speak. To let it all hang out-though I despise that phrase.

I encourage everyone that visits to leave comments and for all my readers to be involved in advise sharing, storytelling and overall to be a support network. After all we are our own best allies.

As a mommy of two beautiful, yet insanely fanatical children, I try on most days to keep it real. I am a stay at home mom, yet also a student in a quest for a better life. I am lucky enough to call myself happily married to a wonderful man whom I will affectionately call "Daddy" on this blog. My children "Caleb" (6 yrs old) and "Katie" (2 yrs old), are our life. We've been married for almost 7 yrs and we are "questing" for a better life, both going back to school to get into careers that we can be proud of. I have been a working mom, a stay at home mom, and a going-back-to school mom. And now I am all three. So I can understand a lot from other mothers in that same position. I have several single mom friends that are also doing it all, and I admire those mothers more than anyone else.

I will put out a disclaimer that this blog, like its name, is completely candid because I do not give away my identity. I feel that in this way I can really tell it like it is, and can get down to the nitty gritty as to how a mommy truly feels and functions. In this way I hope that anyone that reads this can laugh with me, cry with me, and refrain from beating themselves senseless with all that we do. Enjoy.

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